2022 Convention Call
Call for Submissions
FCA 92nd Annual Convention | October 13 – 15
Location: Holiday Inn Lake Buena Vista hotel in Orlando, FL
Communicating Florida’s Tomorrow, Today: Ecology and Community
EXTENDED DEADLINE: July 31st, 2022
Florida. As a word it brings thoughts of beaches, Disney World, alligators, and the ever-growing popularity of our very own state celebrity – Florida Man. Though Florida has much to offer beyond its status as a travel destination, many businesses have their headquarters here, as well as several major universities making headlines with advances in STEAM academics as well as sports. Florida as a community, holds a major impact not only with the United States, but a significant global impact as well. Reflecting on these impacts, the theme for the 92nd Florida Communication Association convention is: Communicating Florida’s Tomorrow, Today: Ecology and Community.
This theme begs multiple questions: As the state of Florida, and subsequently little pockets of communities, what is going on? How are the communities of Florida divided; how are they interconnected? What is the larger community of Florida, and what do we represent? What is the impact of communication in these areas? What is Florida’s role in the larger nationwide, and global narrative?
FCA is a community in itself, welcoming old friends and newcomers alike. How can we expand our reach, our influence? Everyone at FCA is a representative, not only of their academic presence but as a general representative of their area. What is the ecology of FCA, and thus the state of Florida?
Submitting Your Proposal
This year’s convention will have two tracks: 1) Communication Theory and Empirical Research (primary scholarship, theory, and professional papers/panels with data collection) and 2) Communication Application (papers/panels, G.I.F.T.S (Great Ideas For Teaching Students), individual teaching submissions, teaching workshops, trend reporting in the discipline, reviews and reports, dissertation defense prelim/practice, and talkbacks). The convention also includes a 3) Competitive Poster Session open to anyone.
*Please indicate which track your submission fits in when submitting. Every submission will be reviewed competitively, and all submissions will be considered for a best paper/panel award within its own track.*
All proposals should be submitted electronically using the FCA website at https://floridacom.org/proposal-submission/. If you experience problems submitting your proposal, please contact Roy W. Samuelson, at rsamuelson@fgcu.edu.
Submission Tracks
Communication Theory and Empirical Research Track
Submissions to this track seek to foster a community of academics and professionals who produce new scholarship in our societal, cultural, and organizational settings. These papers, articles, and panel submissions should propose research questions or hypotheses, identify and outline communication and related theoretical framework, conduct research in one of the traditional formats: qualitative, quantitative, mixed-methods, or ethnography, and then provide summative (albeit preliminary) results. Authors may submit their original solo work or propose their own paper panel with papers from multiple authors and a designated chair. This track is not appropriate for book reviews, reports, or papers without empirical research. Such scholarship is welcome under Communication Application.
Communication Application Track
Submissions to the Communication Application track seek to foster a community of applied and practical scholarship, learning and pedagogical scholarship, outstanding teaching workshops, the communication arts and performative works, discussions panels, and presentations that leave members energized and invigorated. Authors/presentation teams should include a cover sheet with demographic information and indicate the work should be considered for the Communication Application track. Please be as complete in your submissions as possible. Submissions across the conference are matched with similar work for session experience of attendees. Submissions intending to be full session workshops should submit with the word “Workshop” in the title and must contain a clear rationale for how the full session will be used.
Materials to Include
Panel/Workshop Proposals (Both Tracks)
All discussion panels, workshops, GIFTS, talk-backs, reports, and “other” presentations including paper panel proposals must include a one-page cover letter including: 1) a rationale for the proposed presentation, 2) a brief (50-word) description AND a brief (100-word) abstract for the proposed panel/workshop/paper, and 3) a list of all participants/authors including names, titles, affiliations, and contact information (email and phone number). Please clearly identify the chair of the panel/workshop, who shall serve as the primary contact.
* Please indicate student work by including the word STUDENT on your cover sheet. Student work is conducted solely by students without major contributions from faculty. *
Full Paper Submissions (Both Tracks)
Full paper submissions should include a cover sheet listing the paper title and names, titles, affiliations, emails, and phone numbers for all authors. Please indicate on the cover sheet which track you are submitting your paper to: 1) Communication Theory and Empirical Research or 2) Communication Application. Completed papers should have an abstract and NOT exceed 25 double-spaced pages, excluding references and appendices. Submission should be in either Microsoft Word or PDF.
* Please indicate student work by including the word STUDENT on your cover sheet. Student work is conducted solely by students without major contributions from faculty. *
Paper Awards
Anyone submitting work to the FCA convention will be considered for a Top Scholarship award. FCA seeks to recognize the top student and non-student scholar in each track. Submissions will be compared among like works in the respective tracks and are generally judged on: purpose, supporting literature, precedent, or rationale, novelty, and creativity; professionalism and effective writing/speaking, and conference theme when applicable.
Competitive Poster Sessions
Anyone may submit poster session proposals, which must include one attachment containing: (1) a one-page rationale for the proposed poster that includes a list of all participants including names, titles, affiliations, and contact information (email and phone number) & (2) a brief (50-word) description of the poster. Anyone interested in submitting extended abstracts should submit them as a poster. Please indicate your position within the communication field: undergraduate student, graduate student, faculty/staff, or industry. We will be having separate poster sessions and separate poster awards for undergraduate students, graduate students, faculty/staff, and industry submissions. For more information, please contact Katharine O’Connor at katharine.o’connor@fsw.edu.
Multimedia Poster Submissions:
This year we will be accepting digital and multimedia submissions. For those applicants that are unable to attend FCA’s Convention this year, applicants can submit a digital poster for review. Please include (1) a one-page rationale for the proposed poster that includes a list of all participants including names, titles, affiliations, and contact information (email and phone number) & (2) a brief (50-word) description of the poster. Please indicate your position within the communication field: undergraduate student, graduate student, faculty/staff, or industry. We will be having separate poster sessions and separate poster awards for undergraduate students, graduate students, faculty/staff, and industry submissions. For more information, please contact Katharine O’Connor at katharine.o’connor@fsw.edu.
* Faculty members who is interested in learning more about multiple students’ submissions, please contact Katharine O’Connor at katharine.o’connor@fsw.edu*
Additional Information:
-Conference Theme
In all scholarship/submissions preference is given to work supporting the conference theme of Communicating Florida’s Tomorrow, Today: Ecology and Community
Faculty or Graduate Students who are interested in serving as a moderator for panels please contact Roy W. Samuelson at rsamuelson@fgcu.edu.
-Poster Judges
Faculty or Graduate Students who are interested in serving as judges for the poster sessions please contact Katharine O’Connor at katharine.o’connor@fsw.edu.
All Call Dates:
Call for Papers/Panels – July 31st
Call for Student Projects – July 31st
Call for Awards – July 31st
Call for Industry Professionals – July 31st