Florida Communication Association’s 95th Annual Convention

Call for Proposals

The Florida Communication Association (FCA) invites paper, panel, and student poster submissions for the 95th Annual Convention. The convention will take place October 17-19, 2025, at Rollins College. 

FCA welcomes submissions from undergraduate and graduate students, faculty, and community practitioners. Our friendly convention encourages newcomers as well as seasoned researchers and practitioners. 

Communication empowers individuals and communities to adjust to disruptive events, organize mutual aid, and advocate for change. The theme for the Florida Communication Association’s 95th Annual Convention is Communication for Resilience. This theme invites participants to consider how communication can be used to both adapt to, and navigate, the ever changing “new normal.” 

In all submissions, preference is given to work supporting the conference theme.

Submission Deadline: June 30, 2025, by 11:59 PM ET 

Submission Tracks and Requirements 

This year’s convention welcomes student, faculty, or collaborative submissions for Tracks 1 and 2; Track 3 is reserved for student submissions ONLY.  

1) Communication Theory and Empirical Research: Submissions to this track produce new communication scholarship by proposing research questions or hypotheses, outlining communication theoretical frameworks, and conducting research with summative results. All research methodologies and theoretical perspectives are welcome. 

Track 1 accepts full paper, extended abstract, and pre-constituted panel submissions.

  • Full paper submissions must include two attachments: 
    • Cover Sheet: Paper title, name, title, affiliation, email, and phone number for all authors. Please indicate student work by including the word “STUDENT” on the cover sheet. 
    • Full Paper Submission (Blind Copy): Papers must remove all authorship and affiliation and information, should include an abstract, and should not exceed 25 double-spaced pages, excluding references and appendices. Submission should be in Microsoft Word or PDF format.
  • Extended abstract submissions must include two attachments:
    • Cover Sheet: Paper title, name, title, affiliation, email, and phone number for all authors. Please indicate student work by including the word “STUDENT” on the cover sheet.
    • Extended Abstract Submission (Blind Copy): Extended abstracts must remove all authorship and affiliation information, and should be between 2-6 pages in length. Submission should be in Microsoft Word or PDF format.
  • Pre-constituted panel submissions must include at minimum four presenters:
    • Cover Sheet: Paper titles, names, titles, affiliations, emails, and phone number for all authors. Please indicate student work by including the word “STUDENT” next to students names on the cover sheet.
    • Extended Abstracts (Blind Copy): Pre-constituted panels should include a title for the panel with a 250-word abstract that outlines the overarching themes and arguments for the panel as well as extended abstracts (2-6 pages in length) for each presentation in the panel. Submission should be in Microsoft Word or PDF format.

2) Communication Application: The Communication Application track welcomes submissions without empirical research and includes reviews and reports, teaching workshops, trend reporting in the communication discipline, and/or dissertation defense prelim/practice. 

Track 2 submissions should include two attachments:

  • Cover Sheet: Title, name, title, affiliation, email, and phone number for all authors/presenters/workshop facilitators. Please indicate student work by including the word “STUDENT” by the student's name on the cover sheet. 
  • Proposal Submission (Blind Copy): Proposals must remove all authorship and affiliation information and should include one-page description and rationale. Submission should be in Microsoft Word or PDF format. 

3) Competitive Student Poster Session (No faculty co-authors): The Student Poster session is open to all undergraduate and graduate students. FCA will award one Top Student Paper and one Top Paper. Awards for Best Undergraduate Student Poster and Best Graduate Student Poster will also be presented. 

Students poster session proposals should include two attachments: 

  • Cover Sheet: Title, name, title, affiliation, email, and phone number for all authors. Indicate “Undergraduate” or “Graduate” student. 
  • Poster Proposal (Blind Copy): Poster proposals must remove all authorship and affiliation information and should include one-page description of the proposed poster. 

Click here for the electronic submission form.  

Convention Service Opportunities 

Faculty and graduate students interested in serving as session moderators at the FCA Convention, contact Rachel Winter at rwinter@rollins.edu. 

Faculty and graduate students interested in serving as judges for the student poster session, contact Anne Stone at astone@rollins.edu