Who: FCA members, students, communication professionals and their allies from around the state and beyond. We have a place for you!
What: The regular fall convention with its scholars, papers, students, awards, and speeches will now be held in person in February based on current world events and keeping people safe.
What 2: Additionally, the FCA board is preparing an October virtual event to be held online October 16th, 2020—for members, guests, scholars, and participants from Florida and the world.
Where: The regular convention, now rescheduled, will be in Orlando, February 2021. An additional, professional development Web Event will be held virtually, October 16th, 2020.
When: New convention date is February 18th to the 20th, 2021
Convention Paper submission deadline will be December 1st, 2020
More calls forthcoming about the October Web Event. Keep an eye out!
Why: Communication people want immediacy and connection. Data from the membership suggests this and we worked for a solution to serve our needs of both connection and safety. Moving the convention seems natural and we will monitor world events. More details coming on the February convention and new October Web Event.
Dust off that scholarship, call up those panelists, and plan to submit your work for peer review on or before December 1, 2020.
Solicitation for participation the in the October Web Event is forthcoming.